Wednesday, June 04, 2008


So, off they go into the woods of Patapsco State park...but nobody checks the weather forecast about thunderstorm warnings and tornado watches. By the time I notice darkening skies outside my office and call to warn them to seek shelter and I'll come and get them, they're already caught in a real downpour...lightning, 40 kt wind gusts, the whole bit. They were in the middle of preparing lunch (one of those dehydrated meals) when the weather hit.

After some confusion about the rendezvous point, I pick them up about a half hour later soaked to the bone, but give them credit...they had rain gear, pack covers, and a dry change of clothes...they would have done well on their own. I think there's more to their adventure than has been revealed, Josh even shot some video which I can't wait to see......anybody hear banjo music?

Meanwhile, in what has become, literally, yesterday's news...Tom's knee looks great, no pain, no swelling.

Oh, and they never did get to eat the lunch.


Tom said...

You left out the part about the tree falling while we were hiking.

Ed said...

Great news! Godspeed!