Sunday, June 01, 2008

Take It Easy

Tom has been going to physical therapy three days a week, and is off the crutches, but the final verdict comes when he sees the orthopedic doc on Wednesday. Since he has been ordered to take it easy, we have not done an overnite "shakedown" hike, but I think we'll be OK. As I have mentioned before, Josh and Joe are experienced backpackers, they have prepared us well this far, and I think they will keep us squared away on the trail.

We're taking care of all the final details...making sure the first aid kit is complete, test-packing gear and clothes (and maybe pick up an extra pair of socks!). I really should try carrying the full pack around the block a couple times to make sure I can really handle this! The first day will be all downhill, so how bad can it be?

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