Monday, March 03, 2008

Weighting for Tonite

Monday...and only Monday....I get on the scale to see if my half-hearted attempts to cut back on junk food and my slightly more dedicated exercise routine are having any positive effect. Actually, I'm looking for a NEGATIVE effect, namely the shedding of a pound or two.

I have been doing this for weeks, but until today, there was nothing positive to tell...well, negative....I'm sure you get the idea.

Tonite I can report success, though. I actually dropped three pounds in the last week! And I didn't reward myself with a Super Big Gulp or Double Quarter Pounder, either. Fortunately California Navel oranges are readily available at not-too-outrageous prices; they make a pretty good snack, and they use the same artificial coloring on them as they do Cheese-Nips.

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